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Coffee Packaging
Types of Coffee Packaging
Brands can distinguish their products with effective design and branding by having the best coffee packaging. Choosing the best packaging depends on the products your brand sells.
This article discusses packaging options for different types of coffee products.

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- Packaging for coffee beans and ground coffee
- Packaging for instant coffee
- Packaging for nitro coffee
- Packaging for ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee
Best Packaging For Coffee Beans and Ground Coffee
1. Side Gusset Pouches
Side gusset, or side-fold pouches crease on the sides; they are designed to fold flat when empty and expand when full. Side-fold pouches are commonly used to package coffee beans; they are a tried-and-true coffee bag, and often come with a tie for keeping the coffee fresh.
2. Quad Seal Bags
Quad seal bags are sealed on all sides, giving them more pronounced edges and a rectangular appearance.
3. Flat Bottom Bags
Flat bottom bags can stand on their own, necessitating a flat base. Flat bottom bags have five sides, and typically also have a resealable zipper or a fold with a tin tie.
Flat bottom bags combine the benefits of a traditional side gusset bag with a bag that is self-standing, allowing for easy filling and a narrow shelf presence.
Flat bottom bags are particularly effective for displaying merchandise in cafes, roasteries or other shops.
4. Stand-Up Pouches
Stand-up pouches, or doypacks, can remain vertical on its own and usually have three sides to the packaging. This stand up pouch has been the “go-to” bag for several decades. It offers a large printing billboard and consumer-friendly features such as tear notches, and several different closure or zipper types. Stand up pouches are more cost-effective to produce than flat bottom bags, yet they are less sturdy and have less room for branding your product.
The Best Packaging For Instant Coffee
1. Single-Serve Packages
Single-serve coffee packages are typically made with thin plastic. This lightweight packaging protects the coffee from moisture and oxidation. Single-serve coffee packages offer minimal opportunities for branding, so brands sometimes bundle them into a larger container.
2. Glass Jar
Glass jars can be used for instant coffee. It allows the consumer to see the product and premunizes a “low-end” coffee product.
3. Plastic Container
Instant coffee can be packaged in plastic containers which are lightweight and durable. Instant coffee sold in plastic containers typically come with a screw-on lid and aluminium seal, providing a tamper proof experience for consumers.
The Best Packaging For Nitro Coffee
Nitro cold brew coffee is served chilled and made with nitrogen gas, which creates a smooth, creamy texture.
1. Aluminium Can
There are benefits to packaging nitro coffee in an aluminium can. Aluminium cans are pressure sealed, keeping oxygen out. Cans are also opaque, so the coffee's lifespan lasts longer than in a bottle that lets in more light.
2. Glass Bottles
Glass bottles are a great packaging option for nitro coffee; it prevents the coffee from becoming stale, as plastics let out the carbonation and let in oxygen over time. Darker coloured glass helps prevent light from degrading the coffee, extending lifespan.
Best Packaging For Ready-To-Drink (RTD) Coffee
Ready-to-drink (RTD) coffee is a chilled coffee that comes pre-made in a bottle or can. RTD is a coffee trend, and has been one of the fastest-growing coffee market segments.
1. Glass Bottles
Glass bottles rank first among consumers for taste. Glass is the most neutral packaging, with an almost zero chemical interaction, ensuring product integrity and preserving and presenting coffee's taste. This packaging option offers coffee consumers a premium experience.
2. Plastic Bottles
Plastic bottles are a lightweight, durable packaging option for coffee. Transparent plastic bottles allow consumers to see the coffee within, while opaque coffee bottles can extend the shelf life of the coffee, as it’s not exposed to light.
3. Aluminium Cans
Aluminium cans are effective for packaging RTD coffee. Coffee packaged in pressure sealed aluminium cans keeps oxygen out, extending the lifespan of coffee. The cans are also recyclable, which offers consumers a more eco-friendly packaging option.
More Examples Of Coffee Packaging
Why Good Coffee Packaging Matters
The coffee industry is saturated. Packaging is an important element of marketing coffee; it should protect the coffee, differentiate your products in the coffee market, and connect with your target segment.
Product Preservation
Coffee packaging must protect the product from sunlight, moisture, and oxygen, preserving the coffee’s taste and aromatic characteristics.
There are several elements of coffee packaging that can support product preservation:
1. Heat Sealing
Well sealed, airtight coffee bags are crucial to product preservation. Heat sealers can create an airtight seal that's hard to break, keeping roasted coffee fresh. Different tools (e.g., crimper, iron) can be used for heat sealing, and it can be used on different types of coffee packaging (e.g., plastic stand up coffee pouches).
2. Functioning One-Way Degassing Valve
A functioning one-way degassing valve is critical to preserving roasted coffee.
A degassing valve is a one-way vent allowing the slow release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other volatile gases from within coffee bags, without contacting the external air. When the sealed coffee bag reaches absolute pressure, internal gas can push the degassing valve to release excess gas. The bag's pressure reduces to a level that’s insufficient to open the valve.
Degassing valves also allow the coffee bag’s contents to be protected from the damaging effects of oxygen and moisture. It can also be incorporated into many types of coffee packaging.
3. Tin-Ties
Tin-ties are used to allow consumers to reclose their coffee bags (e.g. side gusseted bags, quad seal bags). To reclose the coffee bag, consumers only need to fold down the top of the bag and secure it with the tin-tie. Tin-ties provide a clean, sturdy closure and are easy to use.
4. Tear Tab
The tear tab, or pull tab, preserves coffee quality by ensuring no air enters the bag. It also shows evidence of tampering, ensuring consumers get a safe product.
Tear tabs are often used in conjunction with heat sealing and pocket zippers. Tear tabs allow consumers to pull the thin tear strip on the top of the coffee packaging, breaking the seal. Tear tabs are often used in conjunction with heat sealing and pocket zippers.
5. Pocket Zippers
Pocket zippers offer convenience; coffee consumers can quickly and easily access their coffee.
Zippers also offer a measure of protection for the coffee product, helping to preserve quality. While zippers are not completely air and watertight, that can slow the coffee quality degradation after the bag is first opened.
Some zippers can close even when there’s debris in their grooves, ideal for ground coffee packaging.
Sustainable coffee brands are embracing natural-looking packaging that is recyclable, biodegradable, or reusable. For example, kraft paper coffee bags or tins are regularly used in sustainable coffee packaging. The best sustainable coffee packaging uses sustainable material and compelling design to build an emotional connection with consumers, and differentiate the product.
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