Transforming digital and content marketing for tea and coffee companies

Tea Product Description | Tea Bazaar




Business Model:

e-commerce, bricks-and-mortar

Number of Employees:


Services Used:


October 31, 2022


Shell Singal, Founder and CEO of Tea Bazaar, sells over 100 different tea blends through her business, Tea Bazaar. She wants to improve her website to support her growth goals.


Shell wanted Mackenzie to increase sales of her teas by creating new product descriptions.


    Mackenzie created new product descriptions for twelve green tea blends:

  1. Blueberry Tart
  2. China Jasmine
  3. Genmaicha
  4. Green Chai
  5. Green Mango
  6. Jasmine Pearls
  7. Kashmiri Kahwa
  8. Lavender Fields
  9. Lemon Submarine
  10. Love Potion
  11. Moroccan Mint
  12. Pomegranate Green

Mackenzie examined each of the existing product descriptions assessing relevant product details and identifying any current positioning priorities.

    Mackenzie created product descriptions that focused on:

  • Creating an emotional connection between the consumer and Tea Bazaar’s blends by using emotive language (e.g., “You'll be head over heels in love.")
  • Highlighting product benefits (e.g.,“Green tea is packed with antioxidants.”)
  • Showcasing how the tea can be used by consumers (e.g., ”It's perfect for any time of day, and makes a great gift for the tea lover in your life.”)


    Each description delivered to the client had three sections:
  • Product Description: Build curiosity, set expectations and show some personality.
  • What Makes It Great: Highlight the benefits and provide details that allow potential customers to trust the product more or imagine themselves drinking it.
  • Ingredients: All the tea ingredients are listed for readers curious about what goes into the blend.

"I focused on building an emotional connection between browsers and Tea Bazaar's products."

Mackenzie Bailey

Founder, Steeped Content